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Proclamation of Independence Day the Republic of Indonesia

Among the interesting facts about the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, is the reading of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 which was dropped on Friday the 9th of the month of Ramadan and coincided with August 17th. According to history, the choice of the day and date of the Proclamation could not be separated from Bung Karno's request for advice to the ulama, including KH Hasyim Asy'ari from NU and KH Abdul Mukti from Muhammadiyah.

In the history of the struggle of the Indonesian people against the invaders, the Indonesian nation, the majority of which are Muslims, the role of the ulama in this matter cannot be forgotten. During the Indonesian national awakening in the 19-20 centuries, almost all forms of struggle, which moved are scholars. Even during the Indonesian national awakening in the early 1920s, almost all forms of struggle that moved were ulama, so that not a few names of ulama adorned the pages of history. The scholars are fighting to defend their homeland from enemy attacks that colonize our nation and state.

The ulama were figures and leaders who became the center of public attention and were able to move the spirit of jihad fisabilillah against colonialism which at that time was the motor and dynamist of society, so they had their own charm and were always imitated by the people at that time.

In the subsequent struggle, the unity of the Indonesian people was used to mobilize the struggle for national awakening. Starting from the establishment of several organizations for the purpose of achieving an independent Indonesia, among others, with the establishment of Budi Utomo in 1908 by Dr. Sutomo.

The emergence of several associations whose main goal is to achieve an independent Indonesia, greatly supports the path for achieving the desired independent Indonesia. And the scholars did not remain silent by moving the students and the community who always obeyed all the orders and advice of the kyai. Then there were also several Islamic organizations such as Syarikat Islam by HOS Cokroaminoto in 1912, Muhammadiyah by KH Ahmad Dahlan in 1912 and NU by KH Hasyim Asy'ari in 1926.

The role of the ulama in times of national awakening and struggle cannot simply be ruled out. At that time the ulama were not only central in society, they were also the center for asking for guidance and strategies for the struggle, both during the National Resurrection period during the independence struggle and during the defense of the Indonesian state when the Dutch returned to this country some time after it was proclaimed an independent state. For example the figure of KH Abbas Buntet Cirebon who was feared by the Dutch because of his prowess in managing the time of battle with the support of his riyadhah and KH Subki Parakan Temanggung. Not a few indigenous warriors who came in droves carrying sharpened bamboo to ask for blessings from him.

In the war on November 10, 1945, when the Dutch returned to Indonesia with the allied (British) army, as has been said, there were ulamas and people from Islamic boarding schools who participated directly in the physical war. In the North Surabaya area, having gone directly to the battlefield, KH Ghofron, the father of KH Zakky Gofron, KH Ridwan, the creator of the NU emblem, K Ali and K Mohamad Sedayu and K Maksum who later joined Laskar Bung Tomo and in East Surabaya the allied forces were intercepted by Saiban Abbas and Mustakim. On the southern front, more than 150 Hezbollah Malang reinforcements arrived, Hezbollah Jember around 150 people and KH As'ad Syamsul Arifin Situbondo, went directly to the battlefield with around 100 troops from Situbondo. They joined together with the troops of the BKR (People's Security Agency), BPRI (Barisan Pemberontak Republik Indonesia) etc.

In the war on November 10, 1945, historical facts were unraveled which opened the veil to the arena of the ulama and the caretakers of Islamic boarding schools. They took their headquarters at the home of K. Yasin Blauran Surabaya or known as the Kyai's Headquarters. It is in this house that the kiai equip the fighters for the spirit of jihad. Suwuk supplies to be immune to bullets and sharp bamboo supplies that have been asthmatic by the kyai. Meanwhile, the main headquarters is in the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School which is led directly by KH Hasyim Asy'ari.

Then the journey of the republic which was not yet two years old, was shaken again by the event of the 1st Dutch aggression on July 21, 1947, where the entire defense of the Republic was on the borderline, the Dutch broke down from all directions. This was all due to the internal affairs of the newly independent country, injured by the conflict in the Linggarjati and Renville meetings between the Republicans themselves. War broke out again. The victims fell. One of them was the death of KH Hasyim Asy'ari on July 25, 1947, when the deceased received news of the fall of Malang to the Dutch.

The flames of war re-opened when the second Dutch aggression emerged on December 19, 1948, so that all the forces of the Laskar fighters, moved back to defend the independence they already had.

It was at this time that the role of Islamic boarding schools became more transparent in the struggle against the Dutch around 1947-1949. Among them is the Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Sumber Beringin Jember, which is used as the headquarters of the guerrillas led by Major Mahendra and Major Imam Sukarto. They are given spiritual provisions etc. Likewise, the Sabilul Muttaqin Islamic boarding school in Mojokerto which was managed by KH Achyat Chalimi.

The same role was also carried out by the Babagan Ciwaringin Islamic Boarding Schools, Buntet Cirebon, Krapyak Yogya, Kebarongan Clilacap, Denanyar, Tambakberas, Rejoso Jombang, Lirboyo Kediri. All of them have contributed to the sacrifice of the spirit of jihad against the invaders.

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