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MUI Jakarta Visit Darulfatwa Australia

On Saturday the fourth of March 2017, the Chairman of the Islamic High Council of Australia, Darulfatwa, gladly respected a gathering of eminent and decent sheikhs and agents of Institutions and Associations at Sydney Airport, under its noteworthy support. Among them, the General Secretary of Majlis Al-^Ulamaa in Jakarta, Mr. Zulfi Mustapha Yusuf, close by, Dr. Rubi Nur Hadi, Mr. Muhammad Luqman Mashhouri, Dr. Swirl Soatrisna and Ms. Raek Roslamawati.

On the following day of this visit, the visitors went by the head office of Darulfatwa, where they were invited by recognized Sheikhs and board individuals. As a major aspect of the instructive educational programs of Darulfatwa, an imams course was occurring, educating from the book of Sahih al-Bukhari. The visitors wished to go to this course on the day which was opened with a recitation from the Holy Qur'an and a discourse by the Chairman of Darulfatwa, Shekh Salim Alwan, respecting the guests, wishing them a charming stay and highlighting the significance of being immovable on the Creed of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa^ah, following the philosophy of the considerable Scholars of Islam, Imam Abul-Hasan Al-Ash^ariyy and Imam Abu-Mansour Al-Matouridiyy. Following this Speech, Mr. Zulfi Mustapha additionally communicated his saying thanks to and profound appreciation for the neighborliness of Darulfatwa, and their endeavors in speaking to instructive Institutions and Charities keeping in mind the end goal to spread control. As a major aspect of the instructive educational programs of Darulfatwa, an imams course was occurring, educating from the book of Sahih al-Bukhari. The visitors wished to go to this course on the day

On the next day, the leading group of Darulfatwa guided the respectable visitors around the Salamah complex, acquainting them with the luxuries and Salamah College, being among the schools that were additionally gone by soon thereafter. The Darulfatwa office was likewise gone by yet again, to additionally talk about the call of control in Australia sought after by the Islamic High Council in its projects, connections and instructive educational programs Along with the nearby Cooperation with Majlis Al-^Ulamaa in Jakarta. The gathering at that point went by the Muslim Community Radio, where they were invited by the general staff and moderators. This visit included media meets on radio, facilitated by the 2mfm Indonesian moderators.

That night, through the kind welcome of Darulfatwa, a supper was held to pay tribute to the visitors, gone to by the General Consul of Indonesia in Sydney, Mr. Yayan Mulyana, his better half and recognized Sheikhs and Imams of the group.

The Dinner was initiated with an inviting discourse by Sheik Salim Alwan, encouraging the participants to fortify the collaboration between the general population of the area to better the eventual fate of the Muslim Community and caution against fanaticism. At that point took after the discourse of Mr. Zulfi Mustapha Yusuf, where he expressed that the bond between Majlis Al-^Ulamaa and Darulfatwa of Australia is awesome because of the way that both associations take after the Creed of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa^ah, the strategy of Imam Abul-Hasan Al-Ash^ariyy and Imam Abu-Mansour Al-Matouridiyy. Mr. Zulfi expressed gratitude toward the participants and particularly the Darulfatwa board, for their neighborliness, regard and awesome friendliness, likewise saying "I will always remember these appearances, since you are in my heart". Following this was the discourse of the General Consul of Indonesia, Mr. Yayan Mulyana, where he helped the sheikhs and imams to remember their obligations in spreading the genuine picture of Islam and its balance. To finish up this supper, Darulfatwa displayed a video projection of its exercises, exhibited endowments to the visitors, and remained with them for essential photographs.

On the next day, the respectable visitors were farewelled by the leading body of Darulfatwa Australia with trust that there will be more visits between the gatherings soon.

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